News & Updates


Preis für gute Lehre 2021 für Sebastian Bange


Schottky Prize for Kaiqiang Lin


Kekulé's nightmare - snakes and ladders


Negative-mass electrons in WSe2


Triplet quenching reported in Science


Twinkle, twinkle little star - counting single molecules

Seminar Archive

Winter Semester 2024/25

14.10.2024 First semester event --
21.10.2024 Laser safety instruction Sebastian Bange
31.10.2024 The Effect of Laser-Induced Heating on Biomolecular Dynamics in Zero-Mode Waveguides

(13:00 in room DE._2.133)

Sabine Huber
04.11.2024 Novel methods for studying charge transport in nanoscale junctions Lijue Chen
18.11.2024 Investigating Moiré phenomena in MoSe2-WS2 van der Waals heterostructures Nicolas Paulik
13.01.2025 Electrically tunable layer-hybridized trions in WSe2 bilayers Fabian Buchner
20.01.2025 Revealing temporal dynamics of high lying excitons in WSe2 Jonas Bauer
27.01.2025 Electronic Raman scattering in layered transition metal dichalcogenides Philipp Wutz
03.02.2025 Phonon-mediated resonant energy transfer in MoSe2-WS2 heterobilayers Philipp Parzefall
postponed Solar Cells, Perovskites, and Transport Tales: The Charge Chronicles Dr. Katarzyna Pydzińska-Białek
17.02.2025 Tracing teraherz plasmon polaritons in Bi2Se3 coupled nano-antennas Lucia Sichert

Summer Semester 2024

15.04.2024 Safety instruction Sebastian Krug
06.05.2024 Dynamic charge transfer and proximity-induced exchange interaction in MoSe2/CrSBr van-der-Waals heterostructure Andreas Beer
13.05.2024 Presentation Master thesis Jakob Lichtenberger
27.05.2024 Spin triplet signatures in OLEDs Felix Braun
03.06.2024 Presentation Master thesis Christoph Putz
10.06.2024 Presentation Master thesis Michael Vogl
17.06.2024 tba Francisco Tenopala-Carmona, University of Cologne
01.07.2024 Magnetic field effects of UV excitons in WSe2 Philip Soul
08.07.2024 tba Anna Weindl
15.07.2024 Presentation Master thesis Michael Lorenz

Winter Semester 2023/24

16.10.2023 Laser safety instruction Sebastian Bange
23.10.2023 "Tuning high-lying excitons in dual-gated, twisted WSe2 bilayers" (Master Thesis) Fabian Buchner, Lupton group
13.11.2023 The rich world of two-dimensional semiconductors: On lattice reconstruction in MoSe2-WSe2 heterobilayers and doping-control of excitons and magnetism in few-layer CrSBr Farsane Tabataba-Vakili, Ag Hoegele, LMU
27.11.2023 Giant Stark shift of Raman signal in multilayer WSe2 Philipp Wutz , Lupton group
18.12.2023 "Fluorescence lifetime benefits in MINFLUX" Jonas Zaehringer,Tinnefeld group, LMU
08.01.2024 Presentation Master thesis Timo Dollinger, Lupton group
15.01.2024 Rapid scan ESR: A Versatile Tool for the Spin Relaxation Studies at (sub)THz Frequencies Petr Neugebauer, CEITEC
22.01.2024 Presentation Master thesis Jakob Fuchs, Ag Schueller
29.01.2024 Presentation Master thesis Jennifer Lehner, Ag Schueller
05.02.2024 Emergent trion-phonon coupling in atomically-reconstructed MoSe2-WSe2 heterobolayers Philipp Parzefall , Ag Schueller
12.02.2024 Quantum interference in excitonic 3-level systems probed by nonlinear optics Jonas Bauer, Lupton group
26.03.2024 Understanding Exciton-Phonon Interactions for Long-lived High-lying Resonant Excitons in WSe2 Bowen Hou, Qiu group

Summer Semester 2023

24.04.2023 Ultrafast spectroscopy of two-dimensional materials; from semiconductors to superconductors Charles Sayers, Politecnico di Milano
17.04.2023 Safety Instructions Sebastian Krug
24.04.2023 Exciton-polaritons in van der Waals magnetic semiconductor CrSBr Florian Dirnberger, Tu Dresden
08.05.2023 Towards the readout of spin quantum beats in a charge-separated radical pair by single molecule pump-push spectroscopy Eva Schmid, Lupton group
05.06.2023 Up-conversion in MoSe2 Andreas Beer, Ag Schueller
12.06.2023 Manipulating TMD Monolayers: Nonlinear Optics, Valleys, and Dark excitons Sebastian Klimmer, Uni Jena
26.06.2023 Van der Waals heterostructures: A brazilian experience in Regensburg Caique Serati de Brito, Ufscar
03.07.2023 Strain effects on interlayerexcitons in MoSe2-WSe2-heterostructures (Master thesis) Fabian Dallinger, Ag Schueller
10.07.2023 Towards pulsed ODMR in OLEDs Felix Braun, Lupton group
17.07.2023 Spektroskopie an CVD-basierten MoSe2-WSe2-Heterostrukturen (Master thesis) Niclas Maier

Winter Semester 2022/23

17.10.2022 Laser Safety Instructions Dr. Sebastian Bange
24.10.2022 Probing excitonic population dynamics by nonlinear optical wave mixing in monolayer WSe2 Jonas Bauer, Lupton group
31.10.2022 pause -
07.11.2022 Fabrication and characterization of cvd-based MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructures (Master thesis) Anna Weindl, Ag Schueller
14.11.2022 Fabrication of bilayer WSe2 dual-gate transistor devices for the study of intra- and interlayer hybrid excitons (Master thesis) Daniel Neuhauser, Lupton group
21.11.2022 tba vacant
28.11.2022 Theory of Exciton Dynamics in TMDC Mono- and Bilayers Manuel Kratzer, Ag Selig, Knorr Group, TU Berlin
05.12.2022 tba vacant
19.12.2022 Spin relaxation dynamics of radical pair processes at low magnetic fields Dr. Hans Malissa, Lupton group
09.01.2023 ODMR study of a metal-free dual emitter OLED; flourescence from triplet exciton-polaron recombination Dr. Vagharsh Mkhitaryan, Lupton group
16.01.2023 Time-integrated four-wave mixing experiments on WSe2 in external magnetic fields (Master thesis) Petter Marzena, Ag Schueller
23.01.2023 Optical investigation of diffusion in low dimensional systems Philipp Parzeval, Ag Schueller
30.01.2023 Transport and control of exciton complexes in 2D hybrid materials Phd defence of Jonas Ziegler, Chernikov group
06.02.2023 Tracking exciton diffusion and exciton annihilation in single nanoparticles by photon correlation spectroscopy Sabrina Streicher, Lupton group

Summer Semester 2022

25.04.2022 Safety Instructions Sebastian Krug
02.05.2022 Probing polaron quenching of triplet-excitons in dual-emitter OLEDs by phase sensitive magnetic resonance Felix Braun
09.05.2022 Photoinduced dynamics in carbon nanorings and nanobelts and nanocages Sebastian Fernandez-Alberti, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aires
16.05.2022 Resolving the Spatiotemporal Variation and Correlation of Hyperfine Spin Properties in Molecular Optoelectronic Devices Billy Papas, UNSW, Sydney
31.05.2022 Contacting Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells Jakob Kox, Fraunhofer Institute
13.06.2022 Spatial coherence of room-temperature WSe2 exciton-polaritons in a trap Dr. Hangyong Shan, University of Oldenburg
20.06.2022 Photoredox catalysis of single immobilized Rhodamin 6G molecules Philipp Wutz
11.07.2022 Ultrafast pseudospin quantum beats in multilayer WSe2 and MoSe2 Simon Raiber
18.07.2022 CVD-grown TMDC monolayers: useful and better than you think Andreas Beer
25.07.2022 Auger-mediated Exciton Diffusion in WSe2 Laura Zinkl

Winter Semester 2021/22

07.10.2021 'Development of an experimental setup for the investigation of magnetic field effects on the single-molecule level and first measurements ' Eva Schmid
18.10.2021 'Laser Safety Instructions' Sebastian Bange
25.10.2021 'Physical Chemistry of Polymer Semiconductors: Ion Dynamics and Self-Assembly in Supercritical Fluids' Prof. Dr. Loren Kaake, Simon Fraser University, Canada
15.11.2021 'Optical spectroscopy of van der Waals heterostructures' Johnannes Holler
29.11.2021 'Modeling the phosphorescence of a dual singlet-triplet emitting OLED' Vagharsh Mkhitaryan
06.12.2021 'H- and J-type coupling - Bandgap engineering for conjugated polymers' Theresa Eder
13.12.2021 AFM on 2D materials: An experimental study on bulk TMDCs and future perspectives Korbinian Pürckhauer, Lst. Giessibl
20.12.2021 Trions and excitons in TMDC: fine structure, polaritons, and nonlinear spectroscopy Yaroslav Zhumagulov, Lst. Fabian
10.01.2022 From Research to Business - Starting up at UR Monika Mügschl-Scharf, Grüderberatung Uni Regensburg
17.01.2022 Exciton-quenching mechanisms in OLEDs Tobias Scharff
24.01.2022 Exciton coupling in conjugated polymers Daniel Kraus
31.01.2022 Determining g factors in WSe2 via time-resolved Faraday ellipticity Dennis Falter
07.02.2022 Probing high-lying exciton dynamics of monolayer WSe2 using four-wave mixing spectroscopy Lijue Chen

Summer Semester 2021

19.04.2021 Safety Instructions Sebastian Krug
26.04.2021 'What do birds and OLEDs have in common?' Tobias Gruenbaum
03.05.2021 'Optical characterization of MoSe2\WSe2 heterobilayer lattices' Phillip Parzefall
10.05.2021 'Low temperature Raman excitations in MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructures: Electronic scattering vs shear modes' Sebastian Meier
31.05.2021 'Ultrafast optical dynamics of plasmon-exciton coupling system' Dr. Jinhui Zhong, University of Oldenburg
07.06.2021 'Correct Counting of Chromophores' Tim Schroeder, LMU Muenchen
14.06.2021 'Ultrafast spin precession in multilayer WSe2' Simon Raiber
21.06.2021 'Two-colour Kerr measurements on TMDs' Andreas Beer
28.06.2021 'Pauli spin blockade in semiconductor quantum dots' Jeroen Danon, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
05.07.2021 moved to 19th
12.07.2021 Cancelled Jakob Kox, Frauenhofer Institut
19.07.2021 'Optical spectroscopy on WSe2' Jonas Bauer

Winter Semester 2020/2021

02.11.2020 Laser Safety Instruction Dr. Sebastian Bange
09.11.2020 Low-frequency Raman scattering in WSe2-MoSe2 heterobilayers: Evidence for atomic reconstruction Johannes Holler
16.11.2020 Ultrafast Spectroscopy on Single Layer MoSe2 in External Magnetic Fields Gabriela Hirschinger
23.11.2020 Three Examples of Photoreception in Nature & (Deaza)Flavin-based Photocatalysis Dr. Roger Jan Kutta
07.12.2020 Time-resolved Four Wave Mixing on Singel Layer MoSe2 Marco Schmauser
21.12.2020 Raman Spectroscopy of Moire Phonons in Twisted Bilayer TMDCs Marten Scheuck
11.01.2021 Valley and spin dynamics in TMDCs: The interplay of bright and dark excitons Dr. Malte Selig, TU Berlin
18.01.2021 OLEDs at low temperatures Tobias Scharff
25.01.2021 Single particle spectroscopy of conjugated polymer aggregates Jakob Schedlbauer
01.02.2021 Fast and anomalous exciton diffusion in two-dimensional hybrid perovskites Barbara Meisinger, Ag Chernikov

Summer Semester 2020

20.04.2020 'Enter the matrix' or 'We chose the red pill' - Getting familiar with Zoom as a video conference solution (VCS) and other online teaching tricks Dr. Sebastian Bange
27.04.2020 Safety awareness in every day work Sebastian Krug
04.05.2020 Exciton Coupling in Conjugated Polymers at low Temperatures Daniel Kraus
18.05.2020 Flattening the curve Theresa Eder
01.06.2020 !!! Whit monday !!!
08.06.2020 Optical spectroscopy of the 1D subband energies in wurtzite GaAs nanowires Ferdinand Haas
15.06.2020 Low energy Raman excitations in MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructures Sebastian Meier
22.06.2020 Magnetic resonance in OLEDs - Know your limits! Tobias Grünbaum
29.06.2020 The unusual and varied spin dynamics of vitamin B12 Dr. Alex R. Jones - National Physical Laboratory, UK
06.07.2020 Four-wave mixing on TMD's - Tracking dynamics and lifetimes Simon Raiber
13.07.2020 Electron paramagnetic resonance in OLEDs based on dual-emitting host-guest systems Felix Braun
20.07.2020 Internal structure and ultrafast dynamics of excitons in twisted TMD bilayers Fabian Mooshammer

Winter Semester 2019/2020

14.10.2019 Laser safety training Dr. Sebastian Bange
21.10.2019 Plasmonic nanostructures for sensing and photoluminescence manipulation (pre-scheduled on September 23rd) Dr. Jer-Shing Huang (IPHT - Leibniz)
28.10.2019 Plasmonic doppler grating for hydrogen sensing (pre-scheduled on September 24th) Yi-Ju Chen (IPHT - Leibniz)
04.11.2019 Following the fate of excitons in multi-chromophoric nanoparticles Dr. Jan Vogelsang
11.11.2019 Control of quantum interference in TMDC homobilayers Dr. Kai-Qiang Lin
18.11.2019 Trilayer TMDC heterostructures and air tightness of hBN encapsulation Johannes Holler
25.11.2019 Theoretical insights on high-lying excitons with negative mass electrons in monolayer WSe2 (rescheduled to 2.1.29 @ 1 pm) Dr. Paulo Eduardo de Faria Junior
02.12.2019 (rescheduled for December 17th @ 10 am - regular group meeting) Leo Waldhauser
09.12.2019 Materials for optical microresonators and optical microresonators for studying materials (including conjugated polymers) Prof. Randall Goldsmith (University of Wisconsin Madison)
13.12.2019 MINFLUX nanoscopy with pulsed-interleaved excitation (Additional Seminar - @ 2 pm) Dr. Florian Steiner (LMU)
16.12.2019 Resonant raman spectroscopy on MoSe2 - WSe2 heterostructures Matthias Dietl
23.12.2019 !!! Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2020!!!
30.12.2019 !!! Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2020!!!
13.01.2020 Revealing spin statistics in organic LEDs Tobias Scharff
20.01.2020 Monitoring dark states in the photoluminescence dynamics of single conjugated polymer chains Jakob Schedlbauer
27.01.2020 Phoenix from the ashes - Generating and manipulating light at the nanoscale with electrically driven optical antennas Robin Puchert
03.02.2020 Lightwave-driven electron dynamics in topological insulators Andreas Beer
03.02.2020 TBA (postponed for summer term) Theresa Eder

Summer Semester 2019

29.04.2019 Application of Floquet's theorem to magnetic resonance: dressedstates, multi-photon transitions, and the Bloch-Siegert shift Dr. Vagharsh Mkhitaryan
06.05.2019 Charge density wave transitions in transition metal chalcogenides probed by time resolved ARPES (pre-scheduled on March 20th) Dr. Enrico Da Como (University of Bath, United Kingdom)
13.05.2019 Measuring the 1D subband energies of wurtzite GaAs wires by inelastic light scattering Sebastian Meier
20.05.2019 Dynamical Formation and Manipulation of the Persistent Spin Helix Felix Passman (TU Dortmund)
27.05.2019 Resonant inelastic light scattering in the regime of the persistent spin helix Sven Gelfert
03.06.2019 Organic light-emitting diodes - a window to elementary spin physics Tobias Grünbaum
10.06.2019 !!! Whit Monday !!!
17.06.2019 In-plane magnetoelectric response in bilayer graphene + Impressions from New Zealand Dr. Michael Kammermeier (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
24.06.2019 Spin-Effects in Next-Generation Organic Light Emitting Diodes Dr. Andreas Sperlich (Julius Maximilian Universität Würzburg)
01.07.2019 Investigation of MEH-PPV OLEDs by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Different Frequency Regimes Sebastian Milster
08.07.2019 Single-photon coherent nonlinear optics with a single molecule in a microcavity Manuel Meierhofer (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light - Erlangen
15.07.2019 Time-resolved Faraday rotation on single-layer MoSe2 in external magnetic fields Simon Raiber
22.07.2019 Safety awareness in everyday work Sebastian Krug

Winter Semester 2018/2019

15.10.2018 Laser Safety Training Dr. Sebastian Bange
22.10.2018 Spinorbitronics: mutual conversion between spin and charge Dr. Lin Chen
29.10.2018 Photodynamics of light harvesting molecules: energy transfer, localization, molecular scrambling and state-specific vibrations (prescheduled on October 12th) Prof. Sebastian Fernandez-Alberti (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina)
05.11.2018 Nonlinear exciton propagation and excitonic halos in monolayer TMDCs Jonas Zipfel (AG Chernikov)
12.11.2018 Electromagnetically induced transparency in second-harmonic generation from WSe2 Dr. Kai-Qiang Lin
19.11.2018 Fabrication and optical spectroscopy of hBN-encapsulated van der Waals crystals Michael Högen
26.11.2018 Valley polarization dynamics of interlayer excitons in 2D crystal heterostructures in high magnetic fields Johannes Holler
03.12.2018 Heterostructure stacking angle determination through second harmonic generation Michael Kempf
10.12.2018 Defect healing and interlayer exciton in a CVD grown MoS2/MoSe2/MoS2 heterostructure Dr. Alessandro Surrente (LNCMI Toulouse)
17.12.2018 Dielectric-environment engineering of quantum interference in second-harmonic generation from single-layer WSe2 Robert Martin
!!! Merry Christmas and a happy new year !!!
07.01.2019 Spin-orbit coupling effects in OLEDs Tobias Scharff
14.01.2019 H- and J- type electronic coupling - A spectral approach Theresa Eder
21.01.2019 Photon antibunching detected excited state relaxation Jakob Schedlbauer
28.01.2019 Impact of energy transfer on photophysics of coupled quantum systems Felix Hofmann
04.02.2019 Energy transfer - a unidirectional flow? Philipp Wilhelm

Summer Semester 2018

09.04.2018 Sicherheitsbelehrung Sebastian Krug
23.04.2018 One dimensional gating and contacting of 2D crystals Dr. Nicola Paradiso
30.04.2018 Dominik Plank
07.05.2018 Detection of ferromagnetic resonance with an organic light-emitting diode Tobias Grünbaum
14.05.2018 Investigating excitons with effective Hamiltonians: from nanowires to 2D materials Dr. Paulo Eduardo de Faria Junior
28.05.2018 Polarized electroluminescence of MoS2 from single noble-metal hotspots driven by inelastic electron tunnelling Hermann Angerer
04.06.2018 Spin pumping induced by FMR: experiment, theory and cautions -postponed to WS 2018/2019- Dr. Lin Chen
18.06.2018 Noble metal nanoparticles meet 2D TMDCs - How exciting! Robin Puchert
25.06.2018 Resonant Raman spectroscopy of TMDCs and their heterostructures Sebastian Meier
02.07.2018 Magneto-Raman spectroscopy of spin-density excitations in the regime of the persistent spin helix in GaAs/AlGaAs quantumwells Sven Gelfert
09.07.2018 Spin Spectroscopy of Organic Semiconductors Wolfram Ratzke

Winter Semester 2017/2018

16.10.2017 Laserschutzbelehrung Sebastian Bange
23.10.2017 Magnetic resonance on OLEDs at very low frequencies Simon Kurmann
06.11.2017 Two ways of enhancing single-molecule fluorescence with self-assembled nanoantennas Dr. Kateryna Trofymchuk, TU Braunschweig
13.11.2017 Single Molecules in Grand Central Dr. Gordon Hedley
20.11.2017 The prospects of two-dimensional materials for ultimately scaled CMOS Sebastian Thiele
27.11.2017 Laser-driven quantum interference in second harmonic generation from single-layer WSe2 Kaiqiang Lin
04.12.2017 Lifetime and spin dynamics in doped Gallium Selenide Franz Hopperdietzel
11.12.2017 Metals, TMDs, Topological Insulators: colorful mixture of MBE-grown samples Dr. Matthias Kronseder
08.01.2018 Time-resolved measurements on MoSe2/ WSe2 heterostructures in high magnetic fields Johannes Holler
15.01.2018 Probing intramolecular energy transfer on the single molecule level Jakob Schedlbauer
22.01.2018 Förster Energy Transfer from Isolated Perovskite Nanoantennae to Single Dye Molecules Felix Hoffman
26.01.2018 Vibrations in Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskites: Implications for Electronic Properties and Chemical Analysis Dr. Robert Lovrincic
29.01.2018 Optical characteristics in (curved) chromophores Philipp Wilhelm
05.02.2018 Illuminating the differences in spectroscopic properties of H- and J-aggregates Theresa Eder

Summer Semester 2017

24.04.2017 Sicherheitsbelehrung Sebastian Krug
08.05.2017 Single nanoparticle plasmonic photoluminescence and SERS Kaiqiang Lin
15.05.2017 Hole g factor in GaAs/AlAs quantum wells Christian Gradl
22.05.2017 Ultrafast nanoscale dynamics probed by time-resolved transmission electron microscopy Dr. Sascha Schäfer
29.05.2017 Magnetic resonance and magnetoresistance in OLEDs Hermann Kraus
12.06.2017 Interlayer excitons in two-dimensional heterostructures: Interactions, dynamics and giant valley Zeeman effect Philipp Nagler
19.06.2017 Presentation of Bachelor thesis Florian Gschwendtner / David Kleber
26.06.2017 Electrically detected ferromagnetic resonance in YIG/OLED stacks Tobias Grünbaum
03.07.2017 Bridging the gap - Moving energy from Nanoparticles to 2D layers and to fluorescent dyes Robin Puchert
10.07.2017 Rhodamine - We do have to put on the blue light Josef Haimerl
17.07.2017 Emergent relativistic effects in organic semiconductors Wolfram Ratzke
24.07.2017 Raman spectroscopy of spin density excitations in the presence of high magnetic fields Christian Frankerl

Winter Semester 2016/2017

17.10.2016 Laserschutzbelehrung Sebastian Bange
24.10.2016 Time-resolved photoluminescence and spin dynamics of GaSe Maike Halbhuber
31.10.2016 Let's Talk Chemistry - An insight into organic synthesis Dr. Robert May
07.11.2016 Title
14.11.2016 Resonant Raman spectroscopy of few layer MoSe2 Sebastian Meier
21.11.2016 Laterally confined electron spin diffusion in the persistent spin helix regime Andreas Hanninger
28.11.2016 BODIPY end-capped oligomers: Single-molecule seesaw used as polarization to wavelength converter Jakob Schedlbauer
05.12.2016 Determination of the hole-g-tensor in [111] grown GaAs/AlAs heterostructures Johannes Holler
12.12.2016 Interactions between p-conjugated chromophores in a giant molecular spoked wheel Dominik Würsch
19.12.2016 Quantum Confinement in Halide Perovskite Nanoplatelets Dr. Alexander Urban
09.01.2017 Light-Matter coupling with atomically thin materials Dr. Christian Schneider/Nils Lundt
16.01.2017 Low Bandgap Solar Cell Polymers: Is There More to Them Than Meets the Eye? Dr. Gordon Hedley
23.01.2017 H- and J- aggregation in mesoscopic conjugated polymer aggregates Theresa Eder
30.01.2017 Gated correlation measurements reveal enhanced antibunching and biexciton lifetime in perovskite nanodots Felix Hofmann
06.02.2017 Distinct characteristics and dynamics of bend chromophores - synergy between single-molecule and ensemble measurments // Hot-electron light emission from single gold nanoparticles Philipp Wilhelm/Lukas Roloff
13.02.2017 Simultaneous singlet and triplet emission of OLED devices in high magnetic fields Jonas Zipfel

Summer Semester 2016

11.04.2016 Sicherheitsbelehrung
18.04.2016 Controlling the Photoluminescence Characteristics of Single Chromophores for Super-resolution Microscopy Dr. Jan Vogelsang
19.04.2016 Pushing the Limits of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Dr. Alexander Schnegg (HMI)
25.04.2016 Quasi 2D electronic states with high spin-polarization in centrosymmetric MoS2 bulk crystals Mathias Gehlmann (FZ Jülich)
09.05.2016 Anisotropic optical properties of atomically thin ReS2 Philipp Nagler
23.05.2016 Highly anisotropic hole g-factor in [113] grown GaAs/AlAs quantum wells Michael Kempf
30.05.2016 Ramanspektroskopie als Methode zur Charakterisierung von Oberflächenschädigung von gedünnten-hochdotierten 001-GaAs Wafern Marvin Kulig
06.06.2016 The art of fitting elephants Josef Haimerl
13.06.2016 Mind the gap - Ag films as electrically driven infrared light sources Robin Puchert
20.06.2016 OLED - The Life in a Box Wolfram Ratzke
27.06.2016 Electronic Raman scattering in 110-grown GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum wells Sven Gelfert
04.07.2016 Constellations on rough metal films Hermann Bechert
11.07.2016 Interchromophoric interactions in a shape persistent macromolecular template Dominik Würsch

Winter Semester 2015/2016

12.10.2015 Sicherheitsbelehrung
19.10.2015 Bilayer Interactions and Defects in MoS2 Dr. Jens Kunstmann (TU Dresden)
26.10.2015 Direct mapping of the persistent spin helix in confined structures Markus Schwemmer
Mapping Optoelectronic Properties at their Native Length Scale in Lead Halide Perovskites and 2-D MoSe2 Dr. Alexander Weber-Bargioni
16.11.2015 Ultra-fast photophysics of organic semiconductors Dr. Gordon Hedley
23.11.2015 Twist-induced tuning of the interlayer coupling in MoS2/WSe2 heterostructures Fabian Mooshammer
30.11.2015 Resonant internal quantum transitions and femtosecond radiative decay of excitons in monolayer WSe2 Christoph Pöllmann (Lehrstuhl Huber)
07.12.2015 Ultra-fast spectroscopy on organic solar cells Dr. Ian Howard
14.12.2015 Bending a chromophore in well-defined π-conjugated polygonic model systems: impact on photophysical properties Philipp Wilhelm
21.12.2015 Mesoscopic quantum emitters from deterministic aggregates of conjugated polymers Thomas Stangl
11.01.2016 Time resolved microscopy on conjugated polymers while aggregation Max Gmelch
18.01.2016 Electron-hole-pair magnetoresistance and magnetoelectroluminescence in OLEDs Hermann Kraus
25.01.2016 Inhomogeneity of emissive sites in conjugated polymers Felix Hofmann
01.02.2016 Optically detected magnetic resonance on NV centers in diamond Julian Auer

Summer Semester 2015

13.04.2015 Sicherheitsbelehrung
20.04.2015 Phosphorescence - A Matter of Geometry Wolfram Ratzke
27.04.2015 Nanoscale characterization and applications of hybrid heterostructures based on carbon nanotubes and two dimensional materials Dr. Raul D. Rodriguez, TU Chemnitz
04.05.2015 Hole spin coherence in coupled GaAs/AlAs double quantum wells Christian Gradl
11.05.2015 Optically and electrically detected magnetic resonance on PhLPPP organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) Felix Frunder
18.05.2015 Coupled spin-valley dynamics in single-layer transition metal dichalcogenides Gerd Plechinger
25.05.2015 Vorlesungsfrei
01.06.2015 conPET processes in visible light-mediated photoredox catalysis Indrajit Gosh
08.06.2015 Raman spectroscopy and optoelectronic properties of MoS2 Dr. Ursula Wurstbauer, TU München
15.06.2015 Single molecule measurements on a rhodamine-green based wavelength selective photocatalytic cycle Josef Haimerl
22.06.2015 Charge transport in semicrystalline polymer semiconductors Dr. Riccardo Di Pietro, University of Cambridge
06.07.2015 Spin control and transport in GaAs(111) quantum wells Dr. Alberto Hernández-Mínguez, Paul-Drude-Institut Berlin
13.07.2015 Probing atomically thin semiconductors at the High Field Magnet Laboratory in Nijmegen Philipp Nagler

Winter Semester 2014/2015

06.10.2014 Vorbereitung
1:00 p.m.
Counting, Structure, Dynamics – novel approaches in single-molecule spectroscopy Dirk-Peter Herten (Uni Heidelberg)
13.10.2014 Laserschutzbelehrung Dörte Bange
20.10.2014 Time and space resolved visualisation of spin diffusion and drift in high mobility GaAs based two-dimensional electron gases Markus Schwemmer
27.10.2014 Unraveling chromophore structure and chemical defects in the OLED material polyfluorene Jan Vogelsang
03.11.2014 Electrically and optically detected magnetic resonance on organic light emitting diodes Hermann Kraus
10.11.2014 Unraveling the emission mechanism of electroluminescent silver films Ines Caspers
17.11.2014 What is the dipol moment orientation in symmetric molecules? Florian Steiner
24.11.2014 Disentangling Coherent and Incoherent Energy Transfer in Ordered Polymer Aggregates Thomas Stangl
01.12.2014 Single molecule water lilies – Orientation in thin films Dominik Würsch
08.12.2014 Spectroscopy of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanoplatelets on a Single Particle Level Josef Haimerl
15.12.2014 Strategies for enhancing the device performance of organic solar cells using colloidal metal nanoparticles Michael Salvador (Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg)
11:00 a.m.
Efficient photoluminescence and optically-pumped lasing in Mixed-Halide Perovskite Photovoltaic Semiconductors Felix Deschler (Cambridge)
12.01.2015 Bachelor Abschlussvorträge Theresa Eder

Nicolas Symeou

19.01.2015 Optical spectroscopy on ultrathin NbSe2 and NbSe2-semiconductor heterostructures Sven Gelfert
26.01.2015 Ramanspectroscopy on single- and multilayer tungsten diselenide and gallium selenide. Eugen Ruff

Summer Semester 2014

14.04.2014 Sicherheitsbelehrung Sebastian Krug
28.04.2014 Time-resolved optical spectroscopy of two-dimensional dichalcogenides Tobias Korn
05.05.2014 Novel molecules for visualization of spin correlations in conjugated organic polymers Wolfram Ratzke
12.05.2014 Polygons as model systems for intra- and interchromophoric effects in pi-conjugated polymers Philipp Wilhelm
19.05.2014 Inelastic light scattering in the regime of the persistent spin helix Christoph Schönhuber
26.05.2014 Metal-free triplet emitters: Making spin correlations shine in organic LEDs Philippe Klemm
02.06.2014 Optical spectroscopy of two-dimensional crystals and their heterostructures Philipp Nagler
16.06.2014 Understanding Energy Migration in Conjugated Polymers Felix Hofmann
10:00 a.m.
Bachelor-Vorträge Bachelors
(AG Schüller)
23.06.2014 Making Use of Trapped-Carrier Spins in Colloidal Nanocrystals Kipp van Schooten
(University of Utah)
30.06.2014 Bachelor-Vorträge Bachelors
(AG Lupton)

Winter Semester 2013/2014

14.10.2013 Laser safety instructions Sebastian Bange
21.10.2013 Organic light emitting diodes in magnetic fields Agnes Schmid
28.10.2013 Aufbau eines F-Praktikum-Versuchs zum Thema Fluoreszenzmikroskopie Konstantin Degenhardt
04.11.2013 Tailored nano-antennas for directional Raman studies of individual carbon nanotubes Nicola Paradiso
18.11.2013 Electrically driven light emission from thin silver films Ines Caspers
25.11.2013 Non-photochemical self-quenching mechanism in conjugated polymers revealed by control of chain length and morphology Florian Steiner
02.12.2013 Organic light emitting diodes as magnetic field sensors

Localized probes for plasmon interference on disordered silver films

Hermann Kraus

Tobias Haug

09.12.2013 Model systems for interchromophoric interactions in conjugated polymer materials Thomas Stangl
16.12.2013 Optoelectronics in nanoscale silver structures Johanna Kirschner
13.01.2014 Fluctuating exciton localisation in giant π-conjugated spoked-wheel macrocycles Dominik Würsch
20.01.2014 Intramolecular photostabilization: towards ultrastable self-healing fluorophores (abstract) Thorben Cordes
(University of Groningen)
27.01.2014 Weak Localization of light in ZnO nanorods in space and time Martin Silies
(Uni Oldenburg)
03.02.2014 Hole g-factor anisotropy in coupled GaAs/AlAs quantum wells Christian Gradl

Summer Semester 2013

15.04.2013 Safety instructions Dörte Bange
22.04.2013 Making spin correlations visible in organic light emitting diodes Sebastian Lautenschlager
29.04.2013 Light modification with nanostructures Calin Hrelescu (Uni Linz)
06.05.2013 Metamaterial Concepts for Light Waves and for Spin Waves (abstract) Stefan Mendach (Uni Hamburg)
13.05.2013 cancelled due to illness Dominik Würsch
27.05.2013 Hole spin coherence in coupled GaAs/AlAs quantum wells Christian Gradl
03.06.2013 Optische Spektroskopie an organischen Leuchtdioden

Wer misst misst Mist: überlegungen und Messmethoden in der Praxis – Realisationsmöglichkeiten elektronischer und Mikrocontroller unterstützter Geräte an unserem Lehrstuhl

Marcel Pozimski

Christof Ermer

10.06.2013 PL and Raman spectroscopy of singlelayer MoS2 and WS2 Gerd Plechinger
17.06.2013 cancelled due to illness Ines Caspers
25.06.2013* Coherent spectroscopy of single quantum objects: from small molecules to photosynthetic antenna complexes (abstract) Richard Hildner (Uni Bayreuth)
01.07.2013 Exploring the Ultrafast Photophysics, Nanomorphology & Chemical Physics of Organic Semiconductors (abstract) Gordon Hedley (St Andrews)
08.07.2013 Microspectroscopy on single- and bilayer molybdenite

Ramanspektroskopie von organischen Molekülen auf Molybdänit

Max Gmelch

Ulrike Plank

15.07.2013 Nanohoops Thomas Niehaus (UR, Inst. für Theor. Phys.)

*) This is a joint seminar with chair Huber. It takes place on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in room PHY 2.0.31.

Winter Semester 2012/2013

15.10.2012 Laser safety instruction Dörte Bange
22.10.2012 Ultralong-Range Polaron-Induced Quenching of Excitons in Isolated Conjugated Polymers Takuji Adachi
29.10.2012 Production of graphene by micro-contact printing and spectroscopic characterization

überblick Vakuumtechnik

Theresia Scherr

Sebastian Krug

05.11.2012 Conformational dependence of photophysical properties in poly(3-hexylthiophene) Florian Steiner
14.11.2012* Nanopatterning by molecular polygons and stars Stefan Jester
(Universität Bonn)
19.11.2012 cancelled due to illness Thomas Stangl
28.11.2012* cancelled Girish Lakhwani
(Univerity of Cambridge)
03.12.2012 SPR imaging in analytics Albert Hutterer
10.12.2012 Microsolvation in superfluid helium droplets
Alkwin Slenczka
(UR, Chemie)
17.12.2012 Switching of Homo-FRET Pathways in Single Chromophore Dimer Models of Pi-Conjugated Polymers Thomas Stangl
14.01.2013 Optical diagnosis and therapy in medicine Wolfgang Bäumler
(UR, Klinikum)
21.01.2013 Electronic Raman scattering in a persistent spin helix regime Christoph Schönhuber
28.01.2013 Nanowires and resonant dye molecules Tobias Haug
04.02.2013 Towards measuring plasmon lifetimes of silver nanostructures Philippe Klemm

*) These are joint seminars with chair Huber. They take place on Wednesdays at 11:15 a.m. in room PHY 2.0.31.

Summer Semester 2012

16.04.2012 Sicherheitsbelehrung Dörte Bange
2:00 p.m.*)
Photon statistics and nano antennas – every photon counts Christian Hübner
(Uni Lübeck)
30.04.2012 entfällt
07.05.2012 Electronic and vibrational properties of few- and single-layer MoS2 Gerd Plechinger
14.05.2012 Struktur-Funktions-Zusammenhang von einzelnen P3HT-Ketten
Organische Leuchtdioden
Felix Hofmann

Agnes Schmid
21.05.2012 Sub-Cycle Switching of Ultrastrong Light-Matter Interaction in a Photonic Bandstructure Jean-Michel Ménard
28.05.2012 Pfingsten
04.06.2012 Fluoreszenzspektroskopische Charakterisierung von Makrozyklen als Modellsysteme für pi-konjugierte Polymere auf Einzelmolekülebene Dominik Würsch
11.06.2012 Absence of spin mixing and singlet fission in a conjugated polymer Sebastian Bange
18.06.2012 Plasmonics in disordered silver nanoparticles Philippe Klemm
25.06.2012 Electroluminescent Silver Surfaces Ines Caspers
02.07.2012 Graphene-Enhanced Raman Scattering Fatemeh Yaghobian
09.07.2012 Spindynamics and Spinrelaxation in High Mobility GaAs/AlGaAs-Heterostructures Markus Schwemmer
16.07.2012 Hole spin coherence in coupled AlAs-GaAs quantum wells Christian Gradl

*) This is a joint seminar with chair Huber. It will start at 2:00 p.m. and will take place in room PHY 9.2.01.

Winter Semester 2011/2012

17.10.2011 Sicherheitsbelehrung Dörte Bange
24.10.2011 Transversaler Seebeck- und Peltier-Effekt in verkippten Metall-Halbleiter-Multilagenstrukturen Christina Reitmaier
31.10.2011 Trapping, pushing and shooting metal nanoparticles by light Andrey Lutich (LMU)
07.11.2011 Conducting polymer – inorganic nanoparticles composites for organic optoelectronics Andrey Aleshin
(Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg)
14.11.2011 Conformations and Dynamics of Flexible Matter Dominik Horinek
(Institut für Chemie)
21.11.2011 Raman and time-resolved photoluminescence studies of single- and few-layer MoS2 Tobias Korn
1:00 p.m.*)
Ge quantum dots as active emitters for 2D and 3D Si-photonic crystal nanostructures Thomas Zabel
(TU München)
05.12.2011 Modelling 2d pump-probe spectra in photosynthetic complexes Birgit Hein
12.12.2011 Raman-Spektroskopie und Fluoreszenzmessungen an Graphen Daniel Hutzler
19.12.2011 Nichtlineare optoelektronische Effekte unter Terahertz-Anregung Thomas Stangl
09.01.2012 Bioconjugation of CdTe QDs Christina Gerhards
(Uni Erlangen)
1:00 p.m.*)
Raman spectroscopy of graphene Janina Maultzsch
(TU Berlin)
23.01.2012 Ultrafast dynamics of semiconductors in strong THz fields Olaf Schubert
30.01.2012 Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie an p-dotierten GaAs/AlGaAs-Heterostrukturen Stephan Furthmeier
1:00 p.m.*)
High frequency electro-mechanical control of optically active nanostructures using surface acoustic waves Hubert Krenner
(Uni Augsburg)

*) These are joint seminars with chair Huber. They will start at 1:00 p.m. already and will take place in room PHY 9.2.01.

Summer Semester 2011

02.05.2011 Singulett-Spaltung: Effizientere organische Solarzellen durch Singulett-Triplett-Umwandlung? Sebastian Bange
09.05.2011 Sicherheitsbelehrung Dörte Bange
16.05.2011 Growth and Characterization of Low-Dimensional Heterostructures: Nanowires and QD-2DEG Hybrid Structures Elisabeth Reiger
23.05.2011 Photocatalytic hydrogen generation with colloidal noble metal-decorated semiconductor nanoparticles (abstract) Frank Jäckel (LMU)
30.05.2011 Connecting single molecule and bulk spectroscopy of conjugated polymers by solvent vapor annealing Jan Vogelsang
06.06.2011 Spin Injection and Detection in GaAs Bulk / Heterostructures Roland Völkl
20.06.2011 Photoströme in InAs-Nanostrukturen erzeugt durch THz-Laserstrahlung Ines Caspers
27.06.2011 Spindynamik in Halbleiterheterostrukturen mit variabler Ladungsträgerdichte Elisabeth Leierseder
04.07.2011 Optical properties of nanocrystals: from CdSe to Cu-chalcogenides Enrico Da Como (LMU)
11.07.2011 Ramanspektroskopie an Graphen und Kohlenstoffnanostrukturen in Lösungen Michaela Böllmann
18.07.2011 Anisotropic spin dephasing in an (110)-grown high-mobility AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well measured by resonant spin amplification technique Michael Griesbeck
25.07.2011 Organische Leuchtdioden Tobias Preis, Fabian Queck