Seminar Archive
Winter Semester 2024/25
14.10.2024 | First semester event | -- |
21.10.2024 | Laser safety instruction | Sebastian Bange |
31.10.2024 | The Effect of Laser-Induced Heating on Biomolecular Dynamics in Zero-Mode Waveguides (13:00 in room DE._2.133) |
Sabine Huber |
04.11.2024 | Novel methods for studying charge transport in nanoscale junctions | Lijue Chen |
18.11.2024 | Investigating Moiré phenomena in MoSe2-WS2 van der Waals heterostructures | Nicolas Paulik |
13.01.2025 | Electrically tunable layer-hybridized trions in WSe2 bilayers | Fabian Buchner |
20.01.2025 | Revealing temporal dynamics of high lying excitons in WSe2 | Jonas Bauer |
27.01.2025 | Electronic Raman scattering in layered transition metal dichalcogenides | Philipp Wutz |
03.02.2025 | Phonon-mediated resonant energy transfer in MoSe2-WS2 heterobilayers | Philipp Parzefall |
postponed | Solar Cells, Perovskites, and Transport Tales: The Charge Chronicles | Dr. Katarzyna Pydzińska-Białek |
17.02.2025 | Tracing teraherz plasmon polaritons in Bi2Se3 coupled nano-antennas | Lucia Sichert |
Summer Semester 2024
15.04.2024 | Safety instruction | Sebastian Krug |
06.05.2024 | Dynamic charge transfer and proximity-induced exchange interaction in MoSe2/CrSBr van-der-Waals heterostructure | Andreas Beer |
13.05.2024 | Presentation Master thesis | Jakob Lichtenberger |
27.05.2024 | Spin triplet signatures in OLEDs | Felix Braun |
03.06.2024 | Presentation Master thesis | Christoph Putz |
10.06.2024 | Presentation Master thesis | Michael Vogl |
17.06.2024 | tba | Francisco Tenopala-Carmona, University of Cologne |
01.07.2024 | Magnetic field effects of UV excitons in WSe2 | Philip Soul |
08.07.2024 | tba | Anna Weindl |
15.07.2024 | Presentation Master thesis | Michael Lorenz |
Winter Semester 2023/24
16.10.2023 | Laser safety instruction | Sebastian Bange |
23.10.2023 | "Tuning high-lying excitons in dual-gated, twisted WSe2 bilayers" (Master Thesis) | Fabian Buchner, Lupton group |
13.11.2023 | The rich world of two-dimensional semiconductors: On lattice reconstruction in MoSe2-WSe2 heterobilayers and doping-control of excitons and magnetism in few-layer CrSBr | Farsane Tabataba-Vakili, Ag Hoegele, LMU |
27.11.2023 | Giant Stark shift of Raman signal in multilayer WSe2 | Philipp Wutz , Lupton group |
18.12.2023 | "Fluorescence lifetime benefits in MINFLUX" | Jonas Zaehringer,Tinnefeld group, LMU |
08.01.2024 | Presentation Master thesis | Timo Dollinger, Lupton group |
15.01.2024 | Rapid scan ESR: A Versatile Tool for the Spin Relaxation Studies at (sub)THz Frequencies | Petr Neugebauer, CEITEC |
22.01.2024 | Presentation Master thesis | Jakob Fuchs, Ag Schueller |
29.01.2024 | Presentation Master thesis | Jennifer Lehner, Ag Schueller |
05.02.2024 | Emergent trion-phonon coupling in atomically-reconstructed MoSe2-WSe2 heterobolayers | Philipp Parzefall , Ag Schueller |
12.02.2024 | Quantum interference in excitonic 3-level systems probed by nonlinear optics | Jonas Bauer, Lupton group |
26.03.2024 | Understanding Exciton-Phonon Interactions for Long-lived High-lying Resonant Excitons in WSe2 | Bowen Hou, Qiu group |
Summer Semester 2023
24.04.2023 | Ultrafast spectroscopy of two-dimensional materials; from semiconductors to superconductors | Charles Sayers, Politecnico di Milano |
17.04.2023 | Safety Instructions | Sebastian Krug |
24.04.2023 | Exciton-polaritons in van der Waals magnetic semiconductor CrSBr | Florian Dirnberger, Tu Dresden |
08.05.2023 | Towards the readout of spin quantum beats in a charge-separated radical pair by single molecule pump-push spectroscopy | Eva Schmid, Lupton group |
05.06.2023 | Up-conversion in MoSe2 | Andreas Beer, Ag Schueller |
12.06.2023 | Manipulating TMD Monolayers: Nonlinear Optics, Valleys, and Dark excitons | Sebastian Klimmer, Uni Jena |
26.06.2023 | Van der Waals heterostructures: A brazilian experience in Regensburg | Caique Serati de Brito, Ufscar |
03.07.2023 | Strain effects on interlayerexcitons in MoSe2-WSe2-heterostructures (Master thesis) | Fabian Dallinger, Ag Schueller |
10.07.2023 | Towards pulsed ODMR in OLEDs | Felix Braun, Lupton group |
17.07.2023 | Spektroskopie an CVD-basierten MoSe2-WSe2-Heterostrukturen (Master thesis) | Niclas Maier |
Winter Semester 2022/23
17.10.2022 | Laser Safety Instructions | Dr. Sebastian Bange |
24.10.2022 | Probing excitonic population dynamics by nonlinear optical wave mixing in monolayer WSe2 | Jonas Bauer, Lupton group |
31.10.2022 | pause | - |
07.11.2022 | Fabrication and characterization of cvd-based MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructures (Master thesis) | Anna Weindl, Ag Schueller |
14.11.2022 | Fabrication of bilayer WSe2 dual-gate transistor devices for the study of intra- and interlayer hybrid excitons (Master thesis) | Daniel Neuhauser, Lupton group |
21.11.2022 | tba | vacant |
28.11.2022 | Theory of Exciton Dynamics in TMDC Mono- and Bilayers | Manuel Kratzer, Ag Selig, Knorr Group, TU Berlin |
05.12.2022 | tba | vacant |
19.12.2022 | Spin relaxation dynamics of radical pair processes at low magnetic fields | Dr. Hans Malissa, Lupton group |
09.01.2023 | ODMR study of a metal-free dual emitter OLED; flourescence from triplet exciton-polaron recombination | Dr. Vagharsh Mkhitaryan, Lupton group |
16.01.2023 | Time-integrated four-wave mixing experiments on WSe2 in external magnetic fields (Master thesis) | Petter Marzena, Ag Schueller |
23.01.2023 | Optical investigation of diffusion in low dimensional systems | Philipp Parzeval, Ag Schueller |
30.01.2023 | Transport and control of exciton complexes in 2D hybrid materials | Phd defence of Jonas Ziegler, Chernikov group |
06.02.2023 | Tracking exciton diffusion and exciton annihilation in single nanoparticles by photon correlation spectroscopy | Sabrina Streicher, Lupton group |
Summer Semester 2022
25.04.2022 | Safety Instructions | Sebastian Krug |
02.05.2022 | Probing polaron quenching of triplet-excitons in dual-emitter OLEDs by phase sensitive magnetic resonance | Felix Braun |
09.05.2022 | Photoinduced dynamics in carbon nanorings and nanobelts and nanocages | Sebastian Fernandez-Alberti, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aires |
16.05.2022 | Resolving the Spatiotemporal Variation and Correlation of Hyperfine Spin Properties in Molecular Optoelectronic Devices | Billy Papas, UNSW, Sydney |
31.05.2022 | Contacting Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells | Jakob Kox, Fraunhofer Institute |
13.06.2022 | Spatial coherence of room-temperature WSe2 exciton-polaritons in a trap | Dr. Hangyong Shan, University of Oldenburg |
20.06.2022 | Photoredox catalysis of single immobilized Rhodamin 6G molecules | Philipp Wutz |
11.07.2022 | Ultrafast pseudospin quantum beats in multilayer WSe2 and MoSe2 | Simon Raiber |
18.07.2022 | CVD-grown TMDC monolayers: useful and better than you think | Andreas Beer |
25.07.2022 | Auger-mediated Exciton Diffusion in WSe2 | Laura Zinkl |
Winter Semester 2021/22
07.10.2021 | 'Development of an experimental setup for the investigation of magnetic field effects on the single-molecule level and first measurements ' | Eva Schmid |
18.10.2021 | 'Laser Safety Instructions' | Sebastian Bange |
25.10.2021 | 'Physical Chemistry of Polymer Semiconductors: Ion Dynamics and Self-Assembly in Supercritical Fluids' | Prof. Dr. Loren Kaake, Simon Fraser University, Canada |
15.11.2021 | 'Optical spectroscopy of van der Waals heterostructures' | Johnannes Holler |
29.11.2021 | 'Modeling the phosphorescence of a dual singlet-triplet emitting OLED' | Vagharsh Mkhitaryan |
06.12.2021 | 'H- and J-type coupling - Bandgap engineering for conjugated polymers' | Theresa Eder |
13.12.2021 | AFM on 2D materials: An experimental study on bulk TMDCs and future perspectives | Korbinian Pürckhauer, Lst. Giessibl |
20.12.2021 | Trions and excitons in TMDC: fine structure, polaritons, and nonlinear spectroscopy | Yaroslav Zhumagulov, Lst. Fabian |
10.01.2022 | From Research to Business - Starting up at UR | Monika Mügschl-Scharf, Grüderberatung Uni Regensburg |
17.01.2022 | Exciton-quenching mechanisms in OLEDs | Tobias Scharff |
24.01.2022 | Exciton coupling in conjugated polymers | Daniel Kraus |
31.01.2022 | Determining g factors in WSe2 via time-resolved Faraday ellipticity | Dennis Falter |
07.02.2022 | Probing high-lying exciton dynamics of monolayer WSe2 using four-wave mixing spectroscopy | Lijue Chen |
Summer Semester 2021
19.04.2021 | Safety Instructions | Sebastian Krug |
26.04.2021 | 'What do birds and OLEDs have in common?' | Tobias Gruenbaum |
03.05.2021 | 'Optical characterization of MoSe2\WSe2 heterobilayer lattices' | Phillip Parzefall |
10.05.2021 | 'Low temperature Raman excitations in MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructures: Electronic scattering vs shear modes' | Sebastian Meier |
31.05.2021 | 'Ultrafast optical dynamics of plasmon-exciton coupling system' | Dr. Jinhui Zhong, University of Oldenburg |
07.06.2021 | 'Correct Counting of Chromophores' | Tim Schroeder, LMU Muenchen |
14.06.2021 | 'Ultrafast spin precession in multilayer WSe2' | Simon Raiber |
21.06.2021 | 'Two-colour Kerr measurements on TMDs' | Andreas Beer |
28.06.2021 | 'Pauli spin blockade in semiconductor quantum dots' | Jeroen Danon, Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
05.07.2021 | moved to 19th | |
12.07.2021 | Cancelled | Jakob Kox, Frauenhofer Institut |
19.07.2021 | 'Optical spectroscopy on WSe2' | Jonas Bauer |
Winter Semester 2020/2021
02.11.2020 | Laser Safety Instruction | Dr. Sebastian Bange |
09.11.2020 | Low-frequency Raman scattering in WSe2-MoSe2 heterobilayers: Evidence for atomic reconstruction | Johannes Holler |
16.11.2020 | Ultrafast Spectroscopy on Single Layer MoSe2 in External Magnetic Fields | Gabriela Hirschinger |
23.11.2020 | Three Examples of Photoreception in Nature & (Deaza)Flavin-based Photocatalysis | Dr. Roger Jan Kutta |
07.12.2020 | Time-resolved Four Wave Mixing on Singel Layer MoSe2 | Marco Schmauser |
21.12.2020 | Raman Spectroscopy of Moire Phonons in Twisted Bilayer TMDCs | Marten Scheuck |
11.01.2021 | Valley and spin dynamics in TMDCs: The interplay of bright and dark excitons | Dr. Malte Selig, TU Berlin |
18.01.2021 | OLEDs at low temperatures | Tobias Scharff |
25.01.2021 | Single particle spectroscopy of conjugated polymer aggregates | Jakob Schedlbauer |
01.02.2021 | Fast and anomalous exciton diffusion in two-dimensional hybrid perovskites | Barbara Meisinger, Ag Chernikov |
Summer Semester 2020
20.04.2020 | 'Enter the matrix' or 'We chose the red pill' - Getting familiar with Zoom as a video conference solution (VCS) and other online teaching tricks | Dr. Sebastian Bange |
27.04.2020 | Safety awareness in every day work | Sebastian Krug |
04.05.2020 | Exciton Coupling in Conjugated Polymers at low Temperatures | Daniel Kraus |
18.05.2020 | Flattening the curve | Theresa Eder |
01.06.2020 | !!! Whit monday !!! | |
08.06.2020 | Optical spectroscopy of the 1D subband energies in wurtzite GaAs nanowires | Ferdinand Haas |
15.06.2020 | Low energy Raman excitations in MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructures | Sebastian Meier |
22.06.2020 | Magnetic resonance in OLEDs - Know your limits! | Tobias Grünbaum |
29.06.2020 | The unusual and varied spin dynamics of vitamin B12 | Dr. Alex R. Jones - National Physical Laboratory, UK |
06.07.2020 | Four-wave mixing on TMD's - Tracking dynamics and lifetimes | Simon Raiber |
13.07.2020 | Electron paramagnetic resonance in OLEDs based on dual-emitting host-guest systems | Felix Braun |
20.07.2020 | Internal structure and ultrafast dynamics of excitons in twisted TMD bilayers | Fabian Mooshammer |
Winter Semester 2019/2020
14.10.2019 | Laser safety training | Dr. Sebastian Bange |
21.10.2019 | Plasmonic nanostructures for sensing and photoluminescence manipulation (pre-scheduled on September 23rd) | Dr. Jer-Shing Huang (IPHT - Leibniz) |
28.10.2019 | Plasmonic doppler grating for hydrogen sensing (pre-scheduled on September 24th) | Yi-Ju Chen (IPHT - Leibniz) |
04.11.2019 | Following the fate of excitons in multi-chromophoric nanoparticles | Dr. Jan Vogelsang |
11.11.2019 | Control of quantum interference in TMDC homobilayers | Dr. Kai-Qiang Lin |
18.11.2019 | Trilayer TMDC heterostructures and air tightness of hBN encapsulation | Johannes Holler |
25.11.2019 | Theoretical insights on high-lying excitons with negative mass electrons in monolayer WSe2 (rescheduled to 2.1.29 @ 1 pm) | Dr. Paulo Eduardo de Faria Junior |
02.12.2019 | (rescheduled for December 17th @ 10 am - regular group meeting) | Leo Waldhauser |
09.12.2019 | Materials for optical microresonators and optical microresonators for studying materials (including conjugated polymers) | Prof. Randall Goldsmith (University of Wisconsin Madison) |
13.12.2019 | MINFLUX nanoscopy with pulsed-interleaved excitation (Additional Seminar - @ 2 pm) | Dr. Florian Steiner (LMU) |
16.12.2019 | Resonant raman spectroscopy on MoSe2 - WSe2 heterostructures | Matthias Dietl |
23.12.2019 | !!! Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2020!!! | |
30.12.2019 | !!! Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2020!!! | |
13.01.2020 | Revealing spin statistics in organic LEDs | Tobias Scharff |
20.01.2020 | Monitoring dark states in the photoluminescence dynamics of single conjugated polymer chains | Jakob Schedlbauer |
27.01.2020 | Phoenix from the ashes - Generating and manipulating light at the nanoscale with electrically driven optical antennas | Robin Puchert |
03.02.2020 | Lightwave-driven electron dynamics in topological insulators | Andreas Beer |
03.02.2020 | TBA (postponed for summer term) | Theresa Eder |
Summer Semester 2019
29.04.2019 | Application of Floquet's theorem to magnetic resonance: dressedstates, multi-photon transitions, and the Bloch-Siegert shift | Dr. Vagharsh Mkhitaryan |
06.05.2019 | Charge density wave transitions in transition metal chalcogenides probed by time resolved ARPES (pre-scheduled on March 20th) | Dr. Enrico Da Como (University of Bath, United Kingdom) |
13.05.2019 | Measuring the 1D subband energies of wurtzite GaAs wires by inelastic light scattering | Sebastian Meier |
20.05.2019 | Dynamical Formation and Manipulation of the Persistent Spin Helix | Felix Passman (TU Dortmund) |
27.05.2019 | Resonant inelastic light scattering in the regime of the persistent spin helix | Sven Gelfert |
03.06.2019 | Organic light-emitting diodes - a window to elementary spin physics | Tobias Grünbaum |
10.06.2019 | !!! Whit Monday !!! | |
17.06.2019 | In-plane magnetoelectric response in bilayer graphene + Impressions from New Zealand | Dr. Michael Kammermeier (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) |
24.06.2019 | Spin-Effects in Next-Generation Organic Light Emitting Diodes | Dr. Andreas Sperlich (Julius Maximilian Universität Würzburg) |
01.07.2019 | Investigation of MEH-PPV OLEDs by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Different Frequency Regimes | Sebastian Milster |
08.07.2019 | Single-photon coherent nonlinear optics with a single molecule in a microcavity | Manuel Meierhofer (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light - Erlangen |
15.07.2019 | Time-resolved Faraday rotation on single-layer MoSe2 in external magnetic fields | Simon Raiber |
22.07.2019 | Safety awareness in everyday work | Sebastian Krug |
Winter Semester 2018/2019
15.10.2018 | Laser Safety Training | Dr. Sebastian Bange |
22.10.2018 | Spinorbitronics: mutual conversion between spin and charge | Dr. Lin Chen |
29.10.2018 | Photodynamics of light harvesting molecules: energy transfer, localization, molecular scrambling and state-specific vibrations (prescheduled on October 12th) | Prof. Sebastian Fernandez-Alberti (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) |
05.11.2018 | Nonlinear exciton propagation and excitonic halos in monolayer TMDCs | Jonas Zipfel (AG Chernikov) |
12.11.2018 | Electromagnetically induced transparency in second-harmonic generation from WSe2 | Dr. Kai-Qiang Lin |
19.11.2018 | Fabrication and optical spectroscopy of hBN-encapsulated van der Waals crystals | Michael Högen |
26.11.2018 | Valley polarization dynamics of interlayer excitons in 2D crystal heterostructures in high magnetic fields | Johannes Holler |
03.12.2018 | Heterostructure stacking angle determination through second harmonic generation | Michael Kempf |
10.12.2018 | Defect healing and interlayer exciton in a CVD grown MoS2/MoSe2/MoS2 heterostructure | Dr. Alessandro Surrente (LNCMI Toulouse) |
17.12.2018 | Dielectric-environment engineering of quantum interference in second-harmonic generation from single-layer WSe2 | Robert Martin |
!!! Merry Christmas and a happy new year !!! | ||
07.01.2019 | Spin-orbit coupling effects in OLEDs | Tobias Scharff |
14.01.2019 | H- and J- type electronic coupling - A spectral approach | Theresa Eder |
21.01.2019 | Photon antibunching detected excited state relaxation | Jakob Schedlbauer |
28.01.2019 | Impact of energy transfer on photophysics of coupled quantum systems | Felix Hofmann |
04.02.2019 | Energy transfer - a unidirectional flow? | Philipp Wilhelm |
Summer Semester 2018
09.04.2018 | Sicherheitsbelehrung | Sebastian Krug |
23.04.2018 | One dimensional gating and contacting of 2D crystals | Dr. Nicola Paradiso |
30.04.2018 | Dominik Plank | |
07.05.2018 | Detection of ferromagnetic resonance with an organic light-emitting diode | Tobias Grünbaum |
14.05.2018 | Investigating excitons with effective Hamiltonians: from nanowires to 2D materials | Dr. Paulo Eduardo de Faria Junior |
28.05.2018 | Polarized electroluminescence of MoS2 from single noble-metal hotspots driven by inelastic electron tunnelling | Hermann Angerer |
04.06.2018 | Spin pumping induced by FMR: experiment, theory and cautions -postponed to WS 2018/2019- | Dr. Lin Chen |
18.06.2018 | Noble metal nanoparticles meet 2D TMDCs - How exciting! | Robin Puchert |
25.06.2018 | Resonant Raman spectroscopy of TMDCs and their heterostructures | Sebastian Meier |
02.07.2018 | Magneto-Raman spectroscopy of spin-density excitations in the regime of the persistent spin helix in GaAs/AlGaAs quantumwells | Sven Gelfert |
09.07.2018 | Spin Spectroscopy of Organic Semiconductors | Wolfram Ratzke |
Winter Semester 2017/2018
16.10.2017 | Laserschutzbelehrung | Sebastian Bange |
23.10.2017 | Magnetic resonance on OLEDs at very low frequencies | Simon Kurmann |
06.11.2017 | Two ways of enhancing single-molecule fluorescence with self-assembled nanoantennas | Dr. Kateryna Trofymchuk, TU Braunschweig |
13.11.2017 | Single Molecules in Grand Central | Dr. Gordon Hedley |
20.11.2017 | The prospects of two-dimensional materials for ultimately scaled CMOS | Sebastian Thiele |
27.11.2017 | Laser-driven quantum interference in second harmonic generation from single-layer WSe2 | Kaiqiang Lin |
04.12.2017 | Lifetime and spin dynamics in doped Gallium Selenide | Franz Hopperdietzel |
11.12.2017 | Metals, TMDs, Topological Insulators: colorful mixture of MBE-grown samples | Dr. Matthias Kronseder |
08.01.2018 | Time-resolved measurements on MoSe2/ WSe2 heterostructures in high magnetic fields | Johannes Holler |
15.01.2018 | Probing intramolecular energy transfer on the single molecule level | Jakob Schedlbauer |
22.01.2018 | Förster Energy Transfer from Isolated Perovskite Nanoantennae to Single Dye Molecules | Felix Hoffman |
26.01.2018 | Vibrations in Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskites: Implications for Electronic Properties and Chemical Analysis | Dr. Robert Lovrincic |
29.01.2018 | Optical characteristics in (curved) chromophores | Philipp Wilhelm |
05.02.2018 | Illuminating the differences in spectroscopic properties of H- and J-aggregates | Theresa Eder |
Summer Semester 2017
24.04.2017 | Sicherheitsbelehrung | Sebastian Krug |
08.05.2017 | Single nanoparticle plasmonic photoluminescence and SERS | Kaiqiang Lin |
15.05.2017 | Hole g factor in GaAs/AlAs quantum wells | Christian Gradl |
22.05.2017 | Ultrafast nanoscale dynamics probed by time-resolved transmission electron microscopy | Dr. Sascha Schäfer |
29.05.2017 | Magnetic resonance and magnetoresistance in OLEDs | Hermann Kraus |
12.06.2017 | Interlayer excitons in two-dimensional heterostructures: Interactions, dynamics and giant valley Zeeman effect | Philipp Nagler |
19.06.2017 | Presentation of Bachelor thesis | Florian Gschwendtner / David Kleber |
26.06.2017 | Electrically detected ferromagnetic resonance in YIG/OLED stacks | Tobias Grünbaum |
03.07.2017 | Bridging the gap - Moving energy from Nanoparticles to 2D layers and to fluorescent dyes | Robin Puchert |
10.07.2017 | Rhodamine - We do have to put on the blue light | Josef Haimerl |
17.07.2017 | Emergent relativistic effects in organic semiconductors | Wolfram Ratzke |
24.07.2017 | Raman spectroscopy of spin density excitations in the presence of high magnetic fields | Christian Frankerl |
Winter Semester 2016/2017
17.10.2016 | Laserschutzbelehrung | Sebastian Bange |
24.10.2016 | Time-resolved photoluminescence and spin dynamics of GaSe | Maike Halbhuber | 31.10.2016 | Let's Talk Chemistry - An insight into organic synthesis | Dr. Robert May | 07.11.2016 | Title | 14.11.2016 | Resonant Raman spectroscopy of few layer MoSe2 | Sebastian Meier | 21.11.2016 | Laterally confined electron spin diffusion in the persistent spin helix regime | Andreas Hanninger | 28.11.2016 | BODIPY end-capped oligomers: Single-molecule seesaw used as polarization to wavelength converter | Jakob Schedlbauer | 05.12.2016 | Determination of the hole-g-tensor in [111] grown GaAs/AlAs heterostructures | Johannes Holler | 12.12.2016 | Interactions between p-conjugated chromophores in a giant molecular spoked wheel | Dominik Würsch | 19.12.2016 | Quantum Confinement in Halide Perovskite Nanoplatelets | Dr. Alexander Urban | 09.01.2017 | Light-Matter coupling with atomically thin materials | Dr. Christian Schneider/Nils Lundt | 16.01.2017 | Low Bandgap Solar Cell Polymers: Is There More to Them Than Meets the Eye? | Dr. Gordon Hedley | 23.01.2017 | H- and J- aggregation in mesoscopic conjugated polymer aggregates | Theresa Eder | 30.01.2017 | Gated correlation measurements reveal enhanced antibunching and biexciton lifetime in perovskite nanodots | Felix Hofmann | 06.02.2017 | Distinct characteristics and dynamics of bend chromophores - synergy between single-molecule and ensemble measurments // Hot-electron light emission from single gold nanoparticles | Philipp Wilhelm/Lukas Roloff | 13.02.2017 | Simultaneous singlet and triplet emission of OLED devices in high magnetic fields | Jonas Zipfel |
Summer Semester 2016
11.04.2016 | Sicherheitsbelehrung | |
18.04.2016 | Controlling the Photoluminescence Characteristics of Single Chromophores for Super-resolution Microscopy | Dr. Jan Vogelsang |
19.04.2016 | Pushing the Limits of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance | Dr. Alexander Schnegg (HMI) |
25.04.2016 | Quasi 2D electronic states with high spin-polarization in centrosymmetric MoS2 bulk crystals | Mathias Gehlmann (FZ Jülich) |
02.05.2016 | ||
09.05.2016 | Anisotropic optical properties of atomically thin ReS2 | Philipp Nagler |
23.05.2016 | Highly anisotropic hole g-factor in [113] grown GaAs/AlAs quantum wells | Michael Kempf |
30.05.2016 | Ramanspektroskopie als Methode zur Charakterisierung von Oberflächenschädigung von gedünnten-hochdotierten 001-GaAs Wafern | Marvin Kulig |
06.06.2016 | The art of fitting elephants | Josef Haimerl |
13.06.2016 | Mind the gap - Ag films as electrically driven infrared light sources | Robin Puchert |
20.06.2016 | OLED - The Life in a Box | Wolfram Ratzke |
27.06.2016 | Electronic Raman scattering in 110-grown GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum wells | Sven Gelfert |
04.07.2016 | Constellations on rough metal films | Hermann Bechert |
11.07.2016 | Interchromophoric interactions in a shape persistent macromolecular template | Dominik Würsch |
Winter Semester 2015/2016
12.10.2015 | Sicherheitsbelehrung | |
19.10.2015 | Bilayer Interactions and Defects in MoS2 | Dr. Jens Kunstmann (TU Dresden) |
26.10.2015 | Direct mapping of the persistent spin helix in confined structures | Markus Schwemmer |
06.11.2015 13:15 |
Mapping Optoelectronic Properties at their Native Length Scale in Lead Halide Perovskites and 2-D MoSe2 | Dr. Alexander Weber-Bargioni |
16.11.2015 | Ultra-fast photophysics of organic semiconductors | Dr. Gordon Hedley |
23.11.2015 | Twist-induced tuning of the interlayer coupling in MoS2/WSe2 heterostructures | Fabian Mooshammer |
30.11.2015 | Resonant internal quantum transitions and femtosecond radiative decay of excitons in monolayer WSe2 | Christoph Pöllmann (Lehrstuhl Huber) |
07.12.2015 | Ultra-fast spectroscopy on organic solar cells | Dr. Ian Howard |
14.12.2015 | Bending a chromophore in well-defined π-conjugated polygonic model systems: impact on photophysical properties | Philipp Wilhelm |
21.12.2015 | Mesoscopic quantum emitters from deterministic aggregates of conjugated polymers | Thomas Stangl |
11.01.2016 | Time resolved microscopy on conjugated polymers while aggregation | Max Gmelch |
18.01.2016 | Electron-hole-pair magnetoresistance and magnetoelectroluminescence in OLEDs | Hermann Kraus |
25.01.2016 | Inhomogeneity of emissive sites in conjugated polymers | Felix Hofmann |
01.02.2016 | Optically detected magnetic resonance on NV centers in diamond | Julian Auer |
Summer Semester 2015
13.04.2015 | Sicherheitsbelehrung | |
20.04.2015 | Phosphorescence - A Matter of Geometry | Wolfram Ratzke |
27.04.2015 | Nanoscale characterization and applications of hybrid heterostructures based on carbon nanotubes and two dimensional materials | Dr. Raul D. Rodriguez, TU Chemnitz |
04.05.2015 | Hole spin coherence in coupled GaAs/AlAs double quantum wells | Christian Gradl |
11.05.2015 | Optically and electrically detected magnetic resonance on PhLPPP organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) | Felix Frunder |
18.05.2015 | Coupled spin-valley dynamics in single-layer transition metal dichalcogenides | Gerd Plechinger |
25.05.2015 | Vorlesungsfrei | |
01.06.2015 | conPET processes in visible light-mediated photoredox catalysis | Indrajit Gosh |
08.06.2015 | Raman spectroscopy and optoelectronic properties of MoS2 | Dr. Ursula Wurstbauer, TU München |
15.06.2015 | Single molecule measurements on a rhodamine-green based wavelength selective photocatalytic cycle | Josef Haimerl |
22.06.2015 | Charge transport in semicrystalline polymer semiconductors | Dr. Riccardo Di Pietro, University of Cambridge |
29.06.2015 | ||
06.07.2015 | Spin control and transport in GaAs(111) quantum wells | Dr. Alberto Hernández-Mínguez, Paul-Drude-Institut Berlin |
13.07.2015 | Probing atomically thin semiconductors at the High Field Magnet Laboratory in Nijmegen | Philipp Nagler |
Winter Semester 2014/2015
06.10.2014 | Vorbereitung | |
09.10.2014 1:00 p.m. |
Counting, Structure, Dynamics – novel approaches in single-molecule spectroscopy | Dirk-Peter Herten (Uni Heidelberg) |
13.10.2014 | Laserschutzbelehrung | Dörte Bange |
20.10.2014 | Time and space resolved visualisation of spin diffusion and drift in high mobility GaAs based two-dimensional electron gases | Markus Schwemmer |
27.10.2014 | Unraveling chromophore structure and chemical defects in the OLED material polyfluorene | Jan Vogelsang |
03.11.2014 | Electrically and optically detected magnetic resonance on organic light emitting diodes | Hermann Kraus |
10.11.2014 | Unraveling the emission mechanism of electroluminescent silver films | Ines Caspers |
17.11.2014 | What is the dipol moment orientation in symmetric molecules? | Florian Steiner |
24.11.2014 | Disentangling Coherent and Incoherent Energy Transfer in Ordered Polymer Aggregates | Thomas Stangl |
01.12.2014 | Single molecule water lilies – Orientation in thin films | Dominik Würsch |
08.12.2014 | Spectroscopy of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanoplatelets on a Single Particle Level | Josef Haimerl |
15.12.2014 | Strategies for enhancing the device performance of organic solar cells using colloidal metal nanoparticles | Michael Salvador (Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg) |
19.12.2014 11:00 a.m. |
Efficient photoluminescence and optically-pumped lasing in Mixed-Halide Perovskite Photovoltaic Semiconductors | Felix Deschler (Cambridge) |
12.01.2015 | Bachelor Abschlussvorträge | Theresa Eder Nicolas Symeou |
19.01.2015 | Optical spectroscopy on ultrathin NbSe2 and NbSe2-semiconductor heterostructures | Sven Gelfert |
26.01.2015 | Ramanspectroscopy on single- and multilayer tungsten diselenide and gallium selenide. | Eugen Ruff |
Summer Semester 2014
14.04.2014 | Sicherheitsbelehrung | Sebastian Krug |
28.04.2014 | Time-resolved optical spectroscopy of two-dimensional dichalcogenides | Tobias Korn |
05.05.2014 | Novel molecules for visualization of spin correlations in conjugated organic polymers | Wolfram Ratzke |
12.05.2014 | Polygons as model systems for intra- and interchromophoric effects in pi-conjugated polymers | Philipp Wilhelm |
19.05.2014 | Inelastic light scattering in the regime of the persistent spin helix | Christoph Schönhuber |
26.05.2014 | Metal-free triplet emitters: Making spin correlations shine in organic LEDs | Philippe Klemm |
02.06.2014 | Optical spectroscopy of two-dimensional crystals and their heterostructures | Philipp Nagler |
16.06.2014 | Understanding Energy Migration in Conjugated Polymers | Felix Hofmann |
18.06.2014 10:00 a.m. |
Bachelor-Vorträge | Bachelors (AG Schüller) |
23.06.2014 | Making Use of Trapped-Carrier Spins in Colloidal Nanocrystals | Kipp van Schooten (University of Utah) |
30.06.2014 | Bachelor-Vorträge | Bachelors (AG Lupton) |
Winter Semester 2013/2014
14.10.2013 | Laser safety instructions | Sebastian Bange |
21.10.2013 | Organic light emitting diodes in magnetic fields | Agnes Schmid |
28.10.2013 | Aufbau eines F-Praktikum-Versuchs zum Thema Fluoreszenzmikroskopie | Konstantin Degenhardt |
04.11.2013 | Tailored nano-antennas for directional Raman studies of individual carbon nanotubes | Nicola Paradiso |
11.11.2013 | ||
18.11.2013 | Electrically driven light emission from thin silver films | Ines Caspers |
25.11.2013 | Non-photochemical self-quenching mechanism in conjugated polymers revealed by control of chain length and morphology | Florian Steiner |
02.12.2013 | Organic light emitting diodes as magnetic field sensors
Localized probes for plasmon interference on disordered silver films |
Hermann Kraus
Tobias Haug |
09.12.2013 | Model systems for interchromophoric interactions in conjugated polymer materials | Thomas Stangl |
16.12.2013 | Optoelectronics in nanoscale silver structures | Johanna Kirschner |
13.01.2014 | Fluctuating exciton localisation in giant π-conjugated spoked-wheel macrocycles | Dominik Würsch |
20.01.2014 | Intramolecular photostabilization: towards ultrastable self-healing fluorophores (abstract) | Thorben Cordes (University of Groningen) |
27.01.2014 | Weak Localization of light in ZnO nanorods in space and time | Martin Silies (Uni Oldenburg) |
03.02.2014 | Hole g-factor anisotropy in coupled GaAs/AlAs quantum wells | Christian Gradl |
Summer Semester 2013
15.04.2013 | Safety instructions | Dörte Bange |
22.04.2013 | Making spin correlations visible in organic light emitting diodes | Sebastian Lautenschlager |
29.04.2013 | Light modification with nanostructures | Calin Hrelescu (Uni Linz) |
06.05.2013 | Metamaterial Concepts for Light Waves and for Spin Waves (abstract) | Stefan Mendach (Uni Hamburg) |
13.05.2013 | cancelled due to illness | Dominik Würsch |
27.05.2013 | Hole spin coherence in coupled GaAs/AlAs quantum wells | Christian Gradl |
03.06.2013 | Optische Spektroskopie an organischen Leuchtdioden
Wer misst misst Mist: überlegungen und Messmethoden in der Praxis – Realisationsmöglichkeiten elektronischer und Mikrocontroller unterstützter Geräte an unserem Lehrstuhl |
Marcel Pozimski
Christof Ermer |
10.06.2013 | PL and Raman spectroscopy of singlelayer MoS2 and WS2 | Gerd Plechinger |
17.06.2013 | cancelled due to illness | Ines Caspers |
25.06.2013* | Coherent spectroscopy of single quantum objects: from small molecules to photosynthetic antenna complexes (abstract) | Richard Hildner (Uni Bayreuth) |
01.07.2013 | Exploring the Ultrafast Photophysics, Nanomorphology & Chemical Physics of Organic Semiconductors (abstract) | Gordon Hedley (St Andrews) |
08.07.2013 | Microspectroscopy on single- and bilayer molybdenite
Ramanspektroskopie von organischen Molekülen auf Molybdänit |
Max Gmelch Ulrike Plank |
15.07.2013 | Nanohoops | Thomas Niehaus (UR, Inst. für Theor. Phys.) |
*) This is a joint seminar with chair Huber. It takes place on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in room PHY 2.0.31.
Winter Semester 2012/2013
15.10.2012 | Laser safety instruction | Dörte Bange |
22.10.2012 | Ultralong-Range Polaron-Induced Quenching of Excitons in Isolated Conjugated Polymers | Takuji Adachi |
29.10.2012 | Production of graphene by micro-contact printing and spectroscopic characterization
überblick Vakuumtechnik |
Theresia Scherr Sebastian Krug |
05.11.2012 | Conformational dependence of photophysical properties in poly(3-hexylthiophene) | Florian Steiner |
14.11.2012* | Nanopatterning by molecular polygons and stars | Stefan Jester (Universität Bonn) |
19.11.2012 | cancelled due to illness | Thomas Stangl |
28.11.2012* | cancelled | Girish Lakhwani (Univerity of Cambridge) |
03.12.2012 | SPR imaging in analytics | Albert Hutterer |
10.12.2012 | Microsolvation in superfluid helium droplets (abstract) |
Alkwin Slenczka (UR, Chemie) |
17.12.2012 | Switching of Homo-FRET Pathways in Single Chromophore Dimer Models of Pi-Conjugated Polymers | Thomas Stangl |
07.01.2013 | ||
14.01.2013 | Optical diagnosis and therapy in medicine | Wolfgang Bäumler (UR, Klinikum) |
21.01.2013 | Electronic Raman scattering in a persistent spin helix regime | Christoph Schönhuber |
28.01.2013 | Nanowires and resonant dye molecules | Tobias Haug |
04.02.2013 | Towards measuring plasmon lifetimes of silver nanostructures | Philippe Klemm |
*) These are joint seminars with chair Huber. They take place on Wednesdays at 11:15 a.m. in room PHY 2.0.31.
Summer Semester 2012
16.04.2012 | Sicherheitsbelehrung | Dörte Bange |
23.04.2012 2:00 p.m.*) |
Photon statistics and nano antennas – every photon counts | Christian Hübner (Uni Lübeck) |
30.04.2012 | entfällt | |
07.05.2012 | Electronic and vibrational properties of few- and single-layer MoS2 | Gerd Plechinger |
14.05.2012 | Struktur-Funktions-Zusammenhang von einzelnen P3HT-Ketten Organische Leuchtdioden |
Felix Hofmann Agnes Schmid |
21.05.2012 | Sub-Cycle Switching of Ultrastrong Light-Matter Interaction in a Photonic Bandstructure | Jean-Michel Ménard |
28.05.2012 | Pfingsten | |
04.06.2012 | Fluoreszenzspektroskopische Charakterisierung von Makrozyklen als Modellsysteme für pi-konjugierte Polymere auf Einzelmolekülebene | Dominik Würsch |
11.06.2012 | Absence of spin mixing and singlet fission in a conjugated polymer | Sebastian Bange |
18.06.2012 | Plasmonics in disordered silver nanoparticles | Philippe Klemm |
25.06.2012 | Electroluminescent Silver Surfaces | Ines Caspers |
02.07.2012 | Graphene-Enhanced Raman Scattering | Fatemeh Yaghobian |
09.07.2012 | Spindynamics and Spinrelaxation in High Mobility GaAs/AlGaAs-Heterostructures | Markus Schwemmer |
16.07.2012 | Hole spin coherence in coupled AlAs-GaAs quantum wells | Christian Gradl |
*) This is a joint seminar with chair Huber. It will start at 2:00 p.m. and will take place in room PHY 9.2.01.
Winter Semester 2011/2012
17.10.2011 | Sicherheitsbelehrung | Dörte Bange |
24.10.2011 | Transversaler Seebeck- und Peltier-Effekt in verkippten Metall-Halbleiter-Multilagenstrukturen | Christina Reitmaier |
31.10.2011 | Trapping, pushing and shooting metal nanoparticles by light | Andrey Lutich (LMU) |
07.11.2011 | Conducting polymer – inorganic nanoparticles composites for organic optoelectronics | Andrey Aleshin (Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg) |
14.11.2011 | Conformations and Dynamics of Flexible Matter | Dominik Horinek (Institut für Chemie) |
21.11.2011 | Raman and time-resolved photoluminescence studies of single- and few-layer MoS2 | Tobias Korn |
28.11.2011 1:00 p.m.*) |
Ge quantum dots as active emitters for 2D and 3D Si-photonic crystal nanostructures | Thomas Zabel (TU München) |
05.12.2011 | Modelling 2d pump-probe spectra in photosynthetic complexes | Birgit Hein |
12.12.2011 | Raman-Spektroskopie und Fluoreszenzmessungen an Graphen | Daniel Hutzler |
19.12.2011 | Nichtlineare optoelektronische Effekte unter Terahertz-Anregung | Thomas Stangl |
09.01.2012 | Bioconjugation of CdTe QDs | Christina Gerhards (Uni Erlangen) |
16.01.2012 1:00 p.m.*) |
Raman spectroscopy of graphene | Janina Maultzsch (TU Berlin) |
23.01.2012 | Ultrafast dynamics of semiconductors in strong THz fields | Olaf Schubert |
30.01.2012 | Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie an p-dotierten GaAs/AlGaAs-Heterostrukturen | Stephan Furthmeier |
06.02.2012 1:00 p.m.*) |
High frequency electro-mechanical control of optically active nanostructures using surface acoustic waves | Hubert Krenner (Uni Augsburg) |
*) These are joint seminars with chair Huber. They will start at 1:00 p.m. already and will take place in room PHY 9.2.01.
Summer Semester 2011
02.05.2011 | Singulett-Spaltung: Effizientere organische Solarzellen durch Singulett-Triplett-Umwandlung? | Sebastian Bange |
09.05.2011 | Sicherheitsbelehrung | Dörte Bange |
16.05.2011 | Growth and Characterization of Low-Dimensional Heterostructures: Nanowires and QD-2DEG Hybrid Structures | Elisabeth Reiger |
23.05.2011 | Photocatalytic hydrogen generation with colloidal noble metal-decorated semiconductor nanoparticles (abstract) | Frank Jäckel (LMU) |
30.05.2011 | Connecting single molecule and bulk spectroscopy of conjugated polymers by solvent vapor annealing | Jan Vogelsang |
06.06.2011 | Spin Injection and Detection in GaAs Bulk / Heterostructures | Roland Völkl |
20.06.2011 | Photoströme in InAs-Nanostrukturen erzeugt durch THz-Laserstrahlung | Ines Caspers |
27.06.2011 | Spindynamik in Halbleiterheterostrukturen mit variabler Ladungsträgerdichte | Elisabeth Leierseder |
04.07.2011 | Optical properties of nanocrystals: from CdSe to Cu-chalcogenides | Enrico Da Como (LMU) |
11.07.2011 | Ramanspektroskopie an Graphen und Kohlenstoffnanostrukturen in Lösungen | Michaela Böllmann |
18.07.2011 | Anisotropic spin dephasing in an (110)-grown high-mobility AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well measured by resonant spin amplification technique | Michael Griesbeck |
25.07.2011 | Organische Leuchtdioden | Tobias Preis, Fabian Queck |